Growers, be part of the Pink Possibilities

This premium superfruit will offer outstanding opportunities

For Growers

After more than two decades in development, our PinksBlush pink-skinned custard apple variety is almost ready to distribute to a limited number of approved commercial growers.

This is an exceptional opportunity to be among the first to bring this attractive, nutritious and delicious fruit to market. Its September fruiting season means it is in a class of its own – a unique spring, tropical fruit before the stone-fruit season arrives.

Growers that we license to be producers of this fruit will be fully supported with growing guidance and with promotional support to help introduce this pink beauty to the world.

Read the story of PinksBlush evolution

8 ways PinksBlush is different


PinksBlush is the only Australian custard apple in season from September to December (and the Christmas period). For other Australian varieties, the season peaks from April to August.


PinksBlush is unique in appearance. The raised dimples on the ripening fruit develop a rich tapestry of pastel pinkish-orange colours that resemble a blush.


PinksBlush fruit develops in stages. This means growers don’t have to manually ‘thin’ the fruit from the tree as they do with other varieties. Trees can comfortably manage the full production of fruit.  At any one time, there may be clusters of fruit at varying stages of maturity, often with a sprinkle of developing flowers too.


The stems of PinksBlush fruit are thick and strong. This means developing fruit has a better chance of surviving very strong wind. Also, heavy rain events will not cause maturing fruit to split on the tree.


The number of seeds in the fruit of PinksBlush are fewer than in some other varieties, which may make them even more attractive to some consumers.


PinksBlush is a naturally vegetative, semi-deciduous tree, growing to about 3 metres high and 4 metres in diameter. Branches are very distinctive, spreading outwards and upwards, with glossy, ovate leaves. The tree produces pale yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that open into three petals, emitting a pungent, sweet smell in the late afternoons.


The assistance from foraging insects or by hand pollination is not necessary to produce good fruit set, as PinksBlush trees are self-pollinating.


PinksBlush fruit is less prone to attack from fruit-spotting bug, as fruit develops over winter, when the bugs are fewer or non-existent. Mealy bugs and fruit fly can be controlled with natural means.


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